
Hi, I’m Carrie!

Thanks for visiting my site. If you found your way here—congratulations! That’s more than I expected. 

I consider myself the rodeo clown of races and enjoy running at the back of the pack. I’m known to break out in spontaneous dance parties and fly across finish lines. 

My goal is to provide you with honest, well-researched, and funny posts about running.

More about me

I run! I know, surprising. But I don’t like to call myself a runner; that’s way too serious and as you’ve guessed if you’ve read anything on this site, I’m definitely not serious, not about running, and most days not about life.

How often do I run? Whenever I want to! That turns out to be about once a week in the winter. In the summer, on a good week, I might run three days. Usually, I run about 5 miles at a time, but I don’t track my distance and don’t time myself, which makes me an unreliable narrator.

Illustrious moments in my running career

At my first track practice in high school, I had the second fastest 50-yard dash out of everyone on the team, which is why I only ran long distances—like the one mile race—during meets. Obviously my track coach didn’t care about winning, so neither did I. I’m proud to say I came in next-to-last in almost every race (because I had to preserve some sense of dignity.) I always sprinted the last 50 yards and I guarantee you it was the fastest finish out of everyone. 

I ran 30 miles on my 30th birthday. I know, you probably don’t believe that, but I promise I did. By myself, on the side of the road. Here’s a picture to prove it:

The 30 mile birthday run was my first ultra-marathon and long-distance running event. Prior to this time, the most I’d run was 2.5 miles. Moral of the story: you can go from couch to 50k too.

I’ve run two marathons at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. One in the pouring rain and the other through the snow. I do not recommend running an off-road rain or snow marathon; it’s not worth the bragging rights.

Should have worn some crampons.

I came in first place in a 10k Sheep Dog trail run because I was the only woman to finish the course. “Life is a Highway” was blaring over the speakers as I forded the final river and crossed the finish line. 

Rascal Flatts – Life Is a Highway (From “Cars”/Official Video) – YouTube

My face is naturally that red and veiny after running. What’s your superpower?

I completed a 5K as a “finisher fairy” (a title that I took very seriously) where I walked, skipped, and danced beside the girls who were in last place (it was a girls-only race, before you get any ideas about boys being better.) I’m happy to report, they wanted nothing to do with me, or my antics. But I looked super cute with a toddler-sized fairy costume over my running clothes, don’t you think?

Lately, I’ve enjoyed trail running along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Sometimes I still wear the wings.

I’d love to see you on the road, in a race, or in the comments (unless you’re selling website services. Please don’t try to sell me website services.)  

High fives and runner farts, 

