Five Reasons to Run Downtown

Five Reasons to Run Downtown

If you live in a city, you’re probably no stranger to road running. Dodging cars, waiting for traffic lights, and breathing in car exhaust are a few of the not-so-fun side effects. But if you live near a city center, there are a few added perks to running downtown.

1. Impromptu cheering squads—downtowns are filled with restaurants, pubs, and drunken revelry. Running solo can be a lonely activity, but running past bars after dark is bound to gain you an audience. High-fives and people yelling unintelligibly can make anyone feel like a first-place finisher.

2. Window shopping—scenery is an important part of any run—and the reason why treadmill running is invariably miserable. Running through a city center will give you plenty to look at. Even if you take the same route regularly, window displays are always changing.

3. Feeling elite—when you run through a place with a lot of people, you’ll find yourself on display. Passing by patrons at an outdoor restaurant or bachelorettes bumbling by in matching outfits you’ll think to yourself, “Look how healthy I am!” It may not be true, but you can pretend that it is.

4. Extra energy—being around people, music, and the activity of life can be energizing. If you’re an introvert, it can also be draining. Running past all the hub-bub of night life is the best of both worlds. You get to feed off the energy of the crowd without actually being near it long enough to feel your eyeballs sweating.

5. Different routes—city centers normally have lots of streets packed into a small area. Running downtown makes it easy to change up your route with a few simple turns. Distance running can be monotonous, but creating variety can keep things fresh and fun.  

For an added bonus, listen to Petula Clark sing “Downtown” as you run:


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